VocariumSM Editor’s Cabinet
For that special finish!

Completing your first draft may be one of the most challenging — and fulfilling! — endeavours of a lifetime. However, that’s just the beginning. Then come the numerous revisions and rewrites!

But we’re here to lend a paw!

No matter at which stage you may be — ready to review your first draft, or still working on your outline — we’re here to see your manuscript set sail for publication!

Watercolor of a red hardback book, propped open facedown and looking not unlike a tent, out of which peers a brown mouse, with a pair of black-rimmed spectacles perched on his nose, looking like he’s emerging slowly from the grips of a great story.

Cabinet Highlights

Project Mapping

Let’s find out where we’re headed! If you have just begun writing, let’s sit down and discuss your whale of a tale and its:

  • Literary format — Are you writing a novel? Memoir? Message in a bottle?
  • Ideal audience — Students? Caregivers? Children of all ages?
  • Authorial voice — Scholarly? Lighthearted? No-nonsense?
  • Writing style — Narrative? Descriptive? Persuasive?
  • Visual elements — Will you include charts? Watercolors? Furry animal photos?
  • Table of contents and length — Sections and their names; intended page count...
  • Distribution — Self-publish or hunt for a publisher? Hard copy or electronic?


Developmental Editing

Congrats on finishing your first draft! Now, it’s time to take a good look at your work and ensure it has:

  • A clear narrative arc
  • A strong opening
  • Uniform style
  • Lively, convincing characters
  • A smooth flow, from start to finish
  • An unexpected message — and lots of heart
  • A killer-whale ending


Line Editing

Your masterpiece is coming together! We’ll now hone in on the details, line by line, to make sure nothing’s jumping out of the page, and:

  • Your voice is consistent
  • Dialogue rings true
  • Word choices are just so
  • People and places come to life
  • Transitions keep the story gliding along


Target Tracker

Whatever the next step of your writing journey may be — and the next, and the next — we’ll take it alongside you. While you write, we will:

  • Consult with you on a regular basis to help you resolve questions, refine your plan — and keep you moving forward!
  • Assess your draft at key points along the way, to help you steer a steady course



In the last stage of editing, we go all in, to make sure your manuscript is shipshape! We’ll:

  • Ensure your text follows a consistent style throughout
  • Correct spelling, punctuation, and grammar miss-takes
  • Verify facts (proper names, dates, places, etc.)
  • Suggest a word here, and a tweak there — make the text scintillate!



When a writing project has been laid out and the print files are ready to roll, it’s time for a final, detailed check. We proofread your text to avoid typos and other errors that can occur during the final editing and layout phases. There are several layers of proofreading:

  • Print files vs. the author’s latest version
  • Spelling errors and bad word breaks
  • Consistent typeface and fonts
  • Numbering and pagination
  • Illustrations, tables, and captions
  • Conformity with the design specifications and page text alignment
  • Syntactical errors — illogical, repeated, or missing text

How to Become an Author
(In Two Leaps)

You have a unique voice, a story to tell, someone to inspire. Yet, this alone is not enough to bring you from your great publication idea — to becoming an author.

Here’s what’s needed:

⤳ First: Cultivate an audience, those who benefit the most from what you have to share;

⤳ Then: Work on your writing with a trusted editor.

A trusted editor?

Yes! She’s a partner who can help you crystallize your thoughts, smooth out the rough edges, make your text soar!

We’re here to lend a paw!

Whether you’re an aspiring author or a well-established one, planning to self-publish or go traditional, VocariumSM editorial suite has all you need to make your next leap forward! Paw print

Watercolour of Katyusha, the cat-editor, sitting at her desk as she writes on a white sheet of paper, pausing to think for a moment; a blue-and-orange striped fish jumps out of the thinking bubble above her head.

What our clients are saying:

“An incredible job!”

You did an incredible job editing this manuscript! At the proofing stage, I had never seen a manuscript that needed so few corrections. Thank you for your patience and your hard work. They’re greatly appreciated.

Nine-times-published nonfiction author
June 2023


“A pleasure to work with!”

Vocarium’s copyediting never loses sight of the tone, nuance, and voice of each author’s text. Their team is organized, on time, and a pleasure to work with. We have produced several artist publications together, and each project has gone smoothly, much to their credit. I cannot recommend their work highly enough.

Art gallery owner and publisher
September 2023